Micro – Micromanagement in IT world!!

Micro – Micromanagement in IT world!!

Micro – Micromanagement in IT world!!

Have you ever thought of a word; micro- micromanagement? It’s micromanagement in a micro level. Which means, it is there, but not there..!!! Off late, management has been using this technique in the presumption that people on the other side cannot notice. On one side, there are theories on how best to effectively manage your team, (for example: democratic) and on the other side, most of the leadership is inclined toward taking this seemingly easier route of managing their team with a subtle dose or indirect dose of micromanagement. None of the six management styles fit this behavior as defined.

But, does it improve the efficiency of the team? Productivity? Or even the relationship? It does not, in any way; it rather jeopardizes the work ethics of the team as a whole, because, not everywhere and in every case, there will be people that don’t notice.

Here are some common things of behavior for those that try to use the micro-micromanagement style.

  1. Viewing through a magnifying glass: It is self-explanatory that someone that views through a lens magnifies it tenfold or hundred fold. But, the ones that are micromanaging at a micro level call it ‘asking for details.’ or they say, ‘ I am a detailed person.’ So, the team member’s perception is changed; because they are detailed, they are seeking details and not because they question his/her work.
  2. Interested in the how and sound democratic: These type of managers sound almost always that they are democratic style, but have a small layer or autocratic management style. Democratic style of management is trusting the team members and encouraging team member participation, unlike autocratic style where they are bossing and dictating a certain way of doing things. These managers say; ‘I am open to suggestions and ideas,’ and when the original idea comes on the table, they slowly rub their way on you. They are interested in the how rather than the what.
  3. Questioning your bandwidth: Every often, instead of asking for your schedules, timings, they question your bandwidth, more often than necessary. They are not direct and open. They appear unknown but know or suspect your work at some level. So, they come and ask, ‘what does your bandwidth look like?’ Instead of being open and seeking help for new work or explaining the need.

Bringing it all together, the team members can watch out and exercise right judgment when dealing with such managers, and managers can change their style a little bit as such kind of behavior will only worsen the productivity and lessen the positivity and motivation in the team.


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